Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The North City

First time went to overseas during winter season. Used to angan-angan wearing the winter clothes like the Winter Sonata drama. Heh, i even bought a SHOCKING PINK gloves and i didn't even like pink. I'm not sure where to start, so many things to show and talk about. Well, i'll show you the pro and cons of being in beijing.

  • nice weather- i mean they have four season. not like us- hujan dan panas sepanjang tahun (from my geography form3 textbook)

  • fastantic ancient civilisations- chinese are smart, determined

  • all the place are mostly beautiful and scenic

  • nice sense fashion- the clothes sold at the pasar or shopping complex are funky


  • the people are rude. well not all... but taking in consideration that i am communicating in mandarin. i don't know what will happen to those who don't speak chinese.

  • the food argh... the food..... no offence i like chinese food. but eating in everyday makes me crazy. Malaysia's food is still the best. Fo once will should thank god we are mix culture if not we will never taste teh tarik etc.

  • the worst kopi ais/kopi nai ping ever- even the milo uargh...

  • because they ONLY drink chinese tea

p/s: oklah my mandarin was not really that good. The pronouciation was quite different from us in malaysia & singapore. On the second day, i can already speak like some taiwan drama. Ok... pictures.......

At first sight you will think that this is a temple. but it's not. this is a mosque called niu jie.

The great wall of china was HUGE. The stairs are HUGE. My stamina= not HUGE.

this is cow. chinese like to eat cow. this cow was actually found at the bottom of the pond at summer palace. The king gave it to god to ensure that the place will not be flooded.

check out the ice on the pond! Summer palace is the official garden, taman for the king and quuen during those days. no one could enter it.

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