Bila engkau cakap dengan boyfriend engkau bukan main lagi lemah lembut pijak semut pun tak mati. Bila engkau cakap dengan orang lain bukan main kasar lagi dengan suara nyaring. memang padan dengan tahap pelajaran engkau setakat spm je. Hipokrit. Mega C*b*i!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Balloons, can i have ride wit chu guys?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
You want some milk?
It was lunch hour and i decided to go the shopping mall near my office. Usually, people prefer to drive but i prefer to walk. Under the scotching hot sun i feel so rejuvenated and it allows me to do some thinking, alone.
Bought a milk carton as a present for someone special.

The side of the carton says:
Why is there a light in your fridge but not in your freezer?
Why do 24-hour shops bother having locks on their door?
Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Interesting book that answer a lot of everyday enigmas.
Now, i'm back at the office, typing this while eating an egg white sandwich and a hot coffee.
It's raining heavily outside.
Sometimes simple pleasures in life can make me happy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tik Tok Tik Tok
Last night was such an eventful day for me because i usually go back to home after work, cook some dinner, watch some TV and then go to sleep. Yup, a MAJOR boring life.
5.30pm: Finished work and found a single red rose in my car. (thanks hubby)
6.00pm: Meet some friends, introduced to their business partner. Eat dinner and socializing.
7.30pm: My friend's business partner showed some of their marketing plan, business opportunity etc
10pm: Went to the branch office to look around.
11pm: Went home. Raining heavily. Road is full of water. Luckily i have a 4WD car but my car bocor. My steering wheel was wet. (Sigh......... i'm so angry i don't know what to say anymore.)
11.30pm: After shower, eat some Quaker Oats. (Yes i need my daily dose of supper) Sleep.
Oklah after doing some thinking, (don't know why my head is so active) i only managed to sleep at 2.30pm.
Thinking about whether i want to join the business or not. It's all about money baby.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Makcik Datin Wannabe
I went to lunch with my office mate yesterday. And then i saw Makcik Datin Wannabe with a few of her friends. I just gave my lousy smile and walk off. Pergh..... 

That's why i never bother to see my surrounding when i go out. I prefer to avoid all this Makcik Datin Wannabe clan.
If you think you are richer, i met richer people who are humble compared to your hidung penyek. Btw, your salary and mine are pretty much the same lah. No need to act as if Trump is your father. Or husband.
Short notice
The new header is actually a wallpaper of Kate Hudson. Come let's take a bath in the middle of nowhere and waste some water. The picture looks like fun to me.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Somebody got confused between this 2 in a pink blog. Ha ha! It amazed me how some people like to act smart and know-it-all.
Been busy watching this korean drama lately. The Matchmaker Lover. Why are all the Korean actress have smooth skin? Was it the weather? or the food? or the make-up?
Been busy watching this korean drama lately. The Matchmaker Lover. Why are all the Korean actress have smooth skin? Was it the weather? or the food? or the make-up?
Me likey this photo.
My family knows that i have a weird taste in choosing TV programmes. I usually watch Go! Go! Hokkaido and this seems to force them to do something else rather than watching tv with me. He he (wicked smile)
Anyway, i love watching Dirty Jobs too. DJ also stands for Dumb Jerk. Haha! Mike said it! Not me!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Perempuan Arab yang pakai purdah/burkha (whatever) sambil berlegar-legar di shopping complex malaysia membawa beg LV nampak lebih stylish

Dear me,
Someday, when you have children, i hope you will wear at least some decent dress. If you have some money like some filthy rich Hollywood stars, i hope you can spare the money to buy yourself a pair of jeans with your right size. By the way, do you know that the shops usually provide FREE service to cut your jeans into the right length? I am getting depressed by just looking at her. Is this a signal for all the women world wide that once you get married and have children, you will not have any time in the world to be beautiful? Anyway, she looks kinda confused. I pity her, really i do.
Remember, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Even Queen Latifah looks kinda hot.
Yours truly,
Just me
Someday, when you have children, i hope you will wear at least some decent dress. If you have some money like some filthy rich Hollywood stars, i hope you can spare the money to buy yourself a pair of jeans with your right size. By the way, do you know that the shops usually provide FREE service to cut your jeans into the right length? I am getting depressed by just looking at her. Is this a signal for all the women world wide that once you get married and have children, you will not have any time in the world to be beautiful? Anyway, she looks kinda confused. I pity her, really i do.
Remember, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Even Queen Latifah looks kinda hot.
Yours truly,
Just me
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
And i still go to work.
I sound like the incredible hulk.
My eyes are swollen and watery.
My throats hurt like some old engine trying to work.
My nose are blocked.
I'm sick and i don't like it.
I need a rest.
But i'm craving for some cold milky ice cream.
And i need to buy the limited edition lipstick with my favourite natural peace shade ASAP.
My eyes are swollen and watery.
My throats hurt like some old engine trying to work.
My nose are blocked.
I'm sick and i don't like it.
I need a rest.
But i'm craving for some cold milky ice cream.
And i need to buy the limited edition lipstick with my favourite natural peace shade ASAP.
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