Friday, October 10, 2008

Perempuan Arab yang pakai purdah/burkha (whatever) sambil berlegar-legar di shopping complex malaysia membawa beg LV nampak lebih stylish

Dear me,

Someday, when you have children, i hope you will wear at least some decent dress. If you have some money like some filthy rich Hollywood stars, i hope you can spare the money to buy yourself a pair of jeans with your right size. By the way, do you know that the shops usually provide FREE service to cut your jeans into the right length? I am getting depressed by just looking at her. Is this a signal for all the women world wide that once you get married and have children, you will not have any time in the world to be beautiful? Anyway, she looks kinda confused. I pity her, really i do.

Remember, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Even Queen Latifah looks kinda hot.

Yours truly,
Just me

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