Thursday, May 29, 2008

Twist of fate.

I can feel tears in my eyes and i hug you tighter. After all the 6 years we've known each other, i know that it did mean something in our hearts. Hello my friend. Nice to meet you.

Empty Balloons

The feeling of emptiness is killing me.
I can do much better to make my life more meaningful.
Maybe i just need to convince myself
that life is like the sky-
without boundaries
and full of opportunities that needed to be explored.
Maybe i just need to believe in myself, once and for all.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Care for a cup of tea, young lady?

I think i'm having a syndrome called English Overload. No, i don't think, i am.

Been busy reading this book. The last time i read it when i was 16. What? No i'm no going to tell you how old young i am. Such a romantic comedy.

"Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

Bought it only for RM11.50. And i bought Emma for only RM8. Dirt cheap i know.

And i hate the fact that the place i'm staying right now didn't even have a freaking library. I'm a nerd can't you tell. I need books or i will die. I need to read before i go to bed or i will not sleep like like a baby. Centre of excellence konon. Ok. Focus Jo focus. Take a deep breath...............

Ok, i'm back to normal now. I found it in the internet that there's even a syndrome called Darcymania. Yeah i like him too. So aloof! The next mission will be Emma. I hope i won't fall asleep......

To tell or not to tell them

That is the question.

I'm not sure whether i am ready to tell any of my friends about my blog yet. Somehow i feel like tipping a few of my very very old friends regarding this blog but i'm not sure. To be exact, i'm not ready to post a blog while having to make sure that i didn't assault anyone. Well not that i post any controversial issues. Nor did i write any interesting story. I don't even know why i'm making excuses to justify my decision. Let just say that i'm confortable this way.
For now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The koronikle of narnia

Aku tak tau kenapa tapi hari ini aku ingin bercakap dalam bahasa melayu. I mean, menulis dalam BM. Semalam aku pegi tengok Narnia dekat MidValley bersama-sama rakan-rakanku. Well walaupun aku enjoy melihat pemandangan dalam filem tersebut, tapi ada part yang menyebabkan aku tertanya-tanya 'what the heck?!'.......

Cerita mengenai Putera Caspian yang ingin memohon bantuan raja dan permaisuri Narnia yang sekarang berada di London menjalani kehidupan normal. Pertama sekali aku ingin menyatakan bahawa aku tidak pernah baca buku Narnia. Jadi yang aku komen ni hanyalah berdasarkan movie sahaja. Kedua, jika anda belum tengok dan ada hajat untuk tengok movie tersebut, janganlah membaca post aku ini. (ataupun mungkin anda langsung tak faham apa yang aku sedang merapu ni) well don't say i didn't warn you.............

Antara ke-empat-empat orang tersebut, hanya lakonan Lucy je yang ada improvement. Yang tiga orang tu macam kayu, stone, meja, kerusi. Haih....... kenapalah dorang tak boleh pilih orang yang ada perwatakan, ber character sikit. Lepas tu, apakah kewibawaan King Peter selaku king jika setiap kali berperang dan rasa macam dah kalah asyik suruh retreat je. bukannya sekali tapi dua kali beb dia suruh orang dia berundur, kesian makhluk-makhluk Narnia tu dapat king yang tidak berpotensi. Mungkin sebab dia muda kot........

Lepas tu, tengah aku busy makan pop corn (jagung meletup) dan menghayati babak mereka tengah bertarung dekat istana tu, aku tengok Susan macam tak buat apa2 je. macam blur....... melangok........... waktu dorang dah nak hampir kalah tu, penjahat tu (pakcik kepada Prince Caspian) suruh orang bawahannya tutup pintu untuk memerangkap dorang kat dalam istana. jadi adalah warga Narnia iaitu bull (aku tak tau nama dia) yang baik hati tolong angkat pagar berat tu, pastu King Peter bergegas keluar bersama-sama centaur dan lain-lain untuk melarikan diri. Takde orang pun yang berdiri di hadapan bull tersebut untuk melindungi dia (berfungsi sebagai shield dan mengakis segala panah dari pihak lawan), yelah tangan dia kan tengah angkat pagar tu, kaki dia pun tengah sibuk tampung keberatan pagar plastik tu. hello?! apa punya king? dia pula yang melarikan diri terlebih dahulu! patutnya dalam perang, engkau yang berada di barisan hadapan and you should also be last to leave. Kalau aku warga Narnia yang terperangkap tu, aku jadi hantu dan cari dorang balik terutamanya King Peter. Yang paling bestnya Susan tengok je situasi yang berlaku lepas tu dengan slow motion naik atas centaur tu. Blergh, i'm not impressed.

King Peter yang masih perlu buck up. masih belum matang dan wise untuk menjadi king lagi. patut jadi prince je. Jangan harap muka yang hensem and pretty boy je.

Lepas tu babak mana Susan dan Lucy lari mencari bantuan sewaktu pertarungan kedua. beginilah al kisah yang bermain di fikiranku kala melihat babak tersebut.

Tempat: hutan belantara

Aktor utama: Susan dan Lucy

peristiwa: tengah menaiki kuda untuk ke satu tempat tapi dikejar oleh tentera penjahat.

Susan: alamak ada tentera penjahatlah! Takpe, Lucy aku biarkan ko sorang-sorang untuk ke destinasi yang sepatutnya.

Lucy: Tapi aku takut sorang-sorang. Lagipun aku tak kuat dan aku ada pisau yang kontot (pendek) je.

Susan: jangan risau aku yakin dengan ko. Aku rasa aku boleh lawan semua tentera penjahat ni dengan panah aku je. walaupun aku panah punyahlah slow maut. Al maklumlah aku tak pernah berlatih semenjak kita berada di London. Lagipun aku tak pernah terfikir pula nak bawa pisau kontot macam kau punya. Yang membuktikan aku lagi bodoh adalah aku pakai panah zaman kuno walaupun orang lain dah pakai busur yang lagi cepat dan tepat.

******* Kemudian berlakulah pergelutan antara susan dan tentera penjahat dengan menggunakan panah dia yang maha slow tu aku pun tak heran kenapa dia kalah. Jadi sewaktu dia dah hampir nak kena bunuh, datanglah Price Caspian untuk menyelamatkannya.*********

susan: oh engkau datang juga rupanya Prince Caspian!

Prince Caspian: ya aku datang untuk menyelamatkan mu walaupun aku rasa engkau taklah cantik sangat, aku cuma datang kerana director arahkan aku.

susan: (dalam hati) yeah inilah masanya aku mengurat prince ini dengan menaiki kuda bersama-samanya. Bila lagi aku nak dapat peluang yang sedemikian. Kalau kat London, budak nerd berspec tebal tu je yang mengurat aku. Lucy mesti boleh melindungi dirinya sendiri walaupun aku tak yakin Aslan akan muncul. Jom kita pergi semula ke kubu.

Hello?! Susan aku taulah Prince Caspian tu hensem, malah bila aku kata dia hensem, boyfriend aku pun jeling kat aku. Takkan kerana kau mabuk cinta sampai kau lupa misi engkau yang sebenarnya untuk melindungi adik kecik ko Lucy yang hanya ada pisau kontot je.

Aku terbaca kat satu review kononnya dia adalah salah satu strong character. Strong? Weak you mean.

Patutlah Aslan tak muncul sampai saat2 akhir. Aku tau moralnya dia ingin mereka semua berani untuk membuat keputusan dan menerima akibat daripada keputusan yang dibuat.

Berikut merupakan perbualan aku dengan Aslan the Lion.

Aku: kenapa kau tak muncul pada awal-awal babak? aku pun heran dan tertanya-tanya sejak bila pulak engkau menjadi watak sampingan.

Aslan: Aku saja je memberi autoriti kepada king and queen of narnia untuk berani membuat keputusan sendiri tanpa pertolongan aku. Coz aku tau pada penghujung cerita nanti aku akan jadi tukang penyapu untuk segala kesilapan yang mereka buat.

Aslan: So berapa yang engkau bayar untuk tiket wayang ni?

Aku: Rm36 termasuk 2 orang yang aku belanja. T__T

Aslan: Hahahaha (ketawa terbahak-bahak sambil berguling-guling di atas lantai) Nasib engko lar.....


Friday, May 16, 2008

Wanna join me?

I'm watching Duffy's Mercy video while drinking some ice cold cendol pulut. Life is good sometimes.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to be a smart ass at the office.

I just got out from trouble just now. I was walking into it without even realizing. You know how some people are so jealous of you because you are free at the office while they are working like hell, so they will pass up some of the work to you. Well not that i am lazy or uncooperative, but i have some work to do as well. Furthermore that is the nature of your job, that is the MAIN OBJECTIVE your unit/dept. exist. So deal with it. Ggrr..........

So today i'm going to share a few tips on how to be a LLBP (looks like busy person) at the office.

Note: I'm still trying to upgrade my PhD knowledge on this and ways on improving it. So this is just a basic raw idea on how to save your ass from all the irrelevant job. I got this ideas from books and personal experience.

Number 1

Your table no matter small or big must never be organized. Put all the letters, faxes etc although what you are doing might not be relevant with all the documents around your table. I know that some of you might be Personality A Type, you can always clean it up and sort out the junk say 10 minutes before you leave the office. Remember to always pile up document at your table and make sure people can view it. The higher the better. This is what i called the mini skirt theory.

Number 2

When you are going to your friends place to do some gossiping or to talk about Manchester United or to talk about the latest handbag you bought or to talk about cute guy from the abc department, please oh please bring along a pen and paper, but not a blank paper ok, bring a letter, reports. So whenever people ask you what you are doing you can say you are discussing about that letter. You will definitely look busy running around here and there asking for some info/advice.

The actual description of this picture that i found in internet: "2 women in office pointing to computer, smiling and looking surprised". I am sure they are not looking at some graph chart.

Number 3

All of us knew that we really love to surf the internet during office hours. Well afraid no more for we can surf as long as we want. The secret is to minimise you word or excel and when your boss suddenly enter your pathetic cubicle to order you to do something, you can always maxmise it and pretend that you are actually drafting/updating letters, reports etc. You need to be on standby mode baby!

Number 4

When people ask you whether you are free or not, what are you doing? Never never say you are enjoying your time without doing nothing. Never tell them you feel like you're in Bahamas drinking fruit juice while sunbathing. So, just say you are busy BUSY BUSY. Tell them your workload and if you don't do it right now, your company will go bankcrupt. The world will end. Th earth will stop spinning.

Number 5

When someone tried to talk to you, you must always reply them impatiently. Give the 'i'm busy can't you see it' look.

'I don't have time for this!' look.

In conclusion, i can't believe you guys are really reading my crap. Don't take it seriously but this is what i usually will do when i'm having a free time at the office. Well most of the time, i'm pretty busy.


if you are really busy at the office then this post will totally be no use to you.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hari ini dalam sejarah!!

What an achievement!! First time in history, i accomplished the impossible in government sector. My meeting finished at 12 pm just now and i managed to finish the minute by 4.30 pm for my boss to check. Never in the history of my work i finished the minute of meetings on the same day of the meeting. Hahaha! See how lazy i am. T___T

So now, i can surf internet and read comic books! Ops! Now you know what i've actually been doing while pretending to look LLB (looks like busy) at the office. But the bad side of it, i'm having a bad headache!! Argh.... need to take some panadol.

I actually had some tips on how to look LLB at the office. It works well for me. Perhaps i will share it next time. But don't count on me you know because i haven't update my beijing trip yet..... apalagi giving those kind of tips.

a section of my desk Work Station

J.CO (because everyone in the blogsphere likes to show it enjoy eating it) vs my messy desk

I even have stains (curry, chocolate) as most of the office files. Tsk...tsk.... because i am always hungwy............

Mmmh... where's my biscuit?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shin Chan!!

Not this.

But this:-

Another one:-

By looking at him makes my knee weak......... Why am i falling for a non-existence guy?! For god sake, he's a comic book character. Sigh..............

In case you're wondering, he is Sadawa Shin, a character from a comic book called Gokusen. A story about a girl teacher whose all boys class was a nightmare. Well, they don't know that Yankumi (the teacher) is actually the heir of a Yakuza (Yazuka? I forgot)- a japanese mafia.

This Shin guy is mysterious, smart..... I always had a teeny weeny crush on this kind of guy. Sigh........ There is even a drama based on the comic.

Played by matsumoto Jun and Yukie nakama. i found out about the drama accidentally when i was dead boring back at uni. The copy belongs to a friend of a friend of a friend of mine. And i burn it again to another CD. Not only Jun but i happened to like yukie as well.

the Gokusen cartoon

the drama. Look alike or not with the cartoon?

She might not be attractive (if you read the comic), always wearing sweater, sport shoes, spectacles. But in real life, this woman is pretty. i wish i can have her type of face. Fresh, natural beauty. The make-up are just subtle with pinkish highlight.

leng mah?

Unfortunately, i can't pull off this kind of face you know, the 'cute without even trying type'. And and and it's not even heavy make-up.

nah, take a long... look at her until your nose bleed......hahaha

END OF POST (I know, so sudden)

p/s: I previously put her wallpaper at my desktop and someone asked me if that was me. HAHAHA! I am so perasan.

Note: As much as i prefer writing my post in perfect english with excellent grammar, but i'm a malaysian. We are comfortable with manglish. You don't like meh? Cannat liddat lah..........

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Men's Guide to the Women's Bathroom

I was boring. The library in my office only had the same book. Limited. And then i saw this book. A PINK cover. A Little Black Dress book. Mmmh... reminds me of May Zhee. I'm planning to buy her book but i'm not sure. I don't have any expectations though, considering there's a comment by Hugh Jackman.

Well not bad. I'll be finishing it soon while laughing out loud. The book is really really funny. The way she portray our RITUAL in bathroom/toilet are mostly true.

Bathroom is like some community service area where mostly women

  • give advice to each other or moral support
  • discuss about the man- cute or not? Worth it or not? (You get the picture)
  • cry, alone in the bathroom. (And some free tissues to go along with)

There is even a rule that when you just get to know the girl and you guys happen to go to the toilet together- NEVER LOOK HER IN THE EYE WHILE THE BOTH OF YOU ARE FACING THE MIRROR. Do you know how much i'm tempted to do that?! I'm think it is some sort of a bad habit. You are curious to know what lipstick they use, what compact powder they use, how they touch up their make up lalalala. So, i planning to finish it while hiding under my desk at my office at home.

Flush it down, baby!


Last saturday, i met a friend of a friend of mine who is a japanese. She asked me why i learn the japanese language (although it's been two years i haven't spoken a single word of nihongo). So i said that back in university it was compulsory to take a language course. Little did she know that it is actually a white lie because it is compulsory to take a new course but it doesn't have to be a language course, it can be economic course etc. But i chose japanese language out of all the language course that my uni offered because


But somehow i can't afford to tell it to her because it sounds stupid not diplomatic at all.

On another related note, i would like to congratulate the team at for all the comics that they post. Thank you for giving me ideas to waste my time while i'm in the office. Thank you for giving the chance to read it for free. Thank you for giving me the chance to catch up the comic cartoon that i missed in Animax. I luv u all muah.......!