Friday, May 9, 2008

Hari ini dalam sejarah!!

What an achievement!! First time in history, i accomplished the impossible in government sector. My meeting finished at 12 pm just now and i managed to finish the minute by 4.30 pm for my boss to check. Never in the history of my work i finished the minute of meetings on the same day of the meeting. Hahaha! See how lazy i am. T___T

So now, i can surf internet and read comic books! Ops! Now you know what i've actually been doing while pretending to look LLB (looks like busy) at the office. But the bad side of it, i'm having a bad headache!! Argh.... need to take some panadol.

I actually had some tips on how to look LLB at the office. It works well for me. Perhaps i will share it next time. But don't count on me you know because i haven't update my beijing trip yet..... apalagi giving those kind of tips.

a section of my desk Work Station

J.CO (because everyone in the blogsphere likes to show it enjoy eating it) vs my messy desk

I even have stains (curry, chocolate) as most of the office files. Tsk...tsk.... because i am always hungwy............

Mmmh... where's my biscuit?

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