Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Men's Guide to the Women's Bathroom

I was boring. The library in my office only had the same book. Limited. And then i saw this book. A PINK cover. A Little Black Dress book. Mmmh... reminds me of May Zhee. I'm planning to buy her book but i'm not sure. I don't have any expectations though, considering there's a comment by Hugh Jackman.

Well not bad. I'll be finishing it soon while laughing out loud. The book is really really funny. The way she portray our RITUAL in bathroom/toilet are mostly true.

Bathroom is like some community service area where mostly women

  • give advice to each other or moral support
  • discuss about the man- cute or not? Worth it or not? (You get the picture)
  • cry, alone in the bathroom. (And some free tissues to go along with)

There is even a rule that when you just get to know the girl and you guys happen to go to the toilet together- NEVER LOOK HER IN THE EYE WHILE THE BOTH OF YOU ARE FACING THE MIRROR. Do you know how much i'm tempted to do that?! I'm think it is some sort of a bad habit. You are curious to know what lipstick they use, what compact powder they use, how they touch up their make up lalalala. So, i planning to finish it while hiding under my desk at my office at home.

Flush it down, baby!


Last saturday, i met a friend of a friend of mine who is a japanese. She asked me why i learn the japanese language (although it's been two years i haven't spoken a single word of nihongo). So i said that back in university it was compulsory to take a language course. Little did she know that it is actually a white lie because it is compulsory to take a new course but it doesn't have to be a language course, it can be economic course etc. But i chose japanese language out of all the language course that my uni offered because


But somehow i can't afford to tell it to her because it sounds stupid not diplomatic at all.

On another related note, i would like to congratulate the team at for all the comics that they post. Thank you for giving me ideas to waste my time while i'm in the office. Thank you for giving the chance to read it for free. Thank you for giving me the chance to catch up the comic cartoon that i missed in Animax. I luv u all muah.......!

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